The Just AI Transition: Where Are The Opportunities And Threats?

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We are at the beginning of a rapid period of transformation of our economy and society due to the convergence of many digital technologies. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is central to this change and offers major opportunities to improve our daily lives.

How can the EU embrace the opportunities represented by human-centred AI? Discover how to transition towards the successful development and use of AI in Europe, in a way that citizens will trust.




Lucilla Sioli, Director for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Industry, DG CONNECT

European Commission



Loubna Bouarfa, Founder and CEO

OKRA Technologies


Dragos Tudorache MEP, Chair of the Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age

European Parliament


Joanna Bryson, Professor of Ethics and Technology

The Hertie School of Governance


Torbjørn F. Folgerø, SVP and Chief Digital Officer




Brian Maguire, Journalist



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