
Get the latest news from collaborates with AWS for Health

15 July 2021

Europe fit for the Digital Age: Commission proposes new rules and actions for excellence and trust in Artificial Intelligence

10 May 2021

Our CEO Loubna Bouarfa Says AI Can Take Better Care of Your Health

14 April 2021

Predict the price of new drugs, years before launch, with >90% accuracy

26 November 2020

OKRA raises ambitious target to 6 million predictions in Life Sciences by end of 2020

29 September 2020

OKRA expands to a new office, following record increase in business

2 September 2020

OKRA smashes target of 2 million validated predictions for big Pharma, 6 months early

19 June 2020

Loubna Bouarfa in the list of most influential women advancing AI in 2020

21 April 2020

OKRA among the 5 most successful startup stories in Europe

20 April 2020

OKRA, the artificial intelligence company that can save lives

15 April 2020

OKRA launches COVID-19 status for Pharma Field Teams

31 March 2020

European Commission releases White Paper on AI excellence and trust

19 February 2020

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