OKRA CEO, Dr. Loubna Bouarfa, receives the prestigious “Innovators Under 35” award from the MIT Technology Review

Our CEO receives the MIT Technology Review Innovator Award

We are pleased to announce that our CEO Dr. Loubna Bouarfa has been honoured by MIT, being named as an Innovator Under 35 for 2017. She was selected from more than 1,000 nominees for her use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to save lives, improve medical treatment and offer hope for the future.

Loubna is hopeful that organisations will increasingly learn to work with machine learning (a subset of artificial intelligence, Loubna’s expertise). “As more data becomes available it is inevitable that machines will continue to outperform even the best specialists for diagnosis and treatment.”

Loubna acknowledges machines can’t do everything. “For now, machines don’t have the heart and soul that great care-givers can provide. There will always be a role for people in this important area”

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